Elevate your shopping experience and discover a world of exclusive benefits with Kogan FIRST, Kogan's premium membership program. For a limited time, you can enjoy a 14-day free trial of Kogan FIRST and experience the perks of being a valued member.
What is Kogan FIRST?
Kogan FIRST is a premium membership program designed to reward loyal customers and provide them with an unparalleled shopping experience. With Kogan FIRST membership, you'll gain access to a host of exclusive benefits, including:
Free shipping on all orders, no minimum spend required
Extended returns policy, giving you more time to decide
Priority customer service, ensuring your queries are handled promptly
Exclusive discounts and offers throughout the year
Early access to new products and special promotions
14-Day Free Trial
Kogan is offering a 14-day free trial of Kogan FIRST, allowing you to experience the benefits firsthand without any commitment. During this trial period, you'll enjoy all the exclusive advantages of being a Kogan FIRST member, giving you ample time to decide if it's worth the annual fee.
Why Choose Kogan FIRST?
Kogan FIRST membership offers a range of compelling reasons to join, including:
Enhanced Shopping Experience: Kogan FIRST streamlines your shopping experience, making it more convenient and enjoyable.
Exceptional Value: The benefits of Kogan FIRST, such as free shipping and extended returns, easily offset the annual membership fee.
Exclusive Perks: Kogan FIRST members enjoy access to exclusive discounts, offers, and early access opportunities, saving you money and giving you an edge.
Priority Customer Service: Kogan FIRST members receive priority customer service, ensuring your queries are handled promptly and efficiently.
How to Sign Up for the Free Trial
Signing up for the 14-day free trial of Kogan FIRST is simple and straightforward. Just follow these steps:
Visit the Kogan FIRST website or app.
Click the “Start Free Trial” button.
Create a Kogan account or log in to your existing account.
Enter your payment information to confirm your membership.
Start enjoying the benefits of Kogan FIRST membership immediately.
Unlock Exclusive Benefits Today
Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the perks of Kogan FIRST. Sign up for the 14-day free trial today and discover a world of exclusive benefits that will elevate your shopping experience and save you money.
Happy shopping with Kogan FIRST!